September 25, 2020

Many people have a hard time deciding what they want to major in. When I applied to Cedarville University, my problem was deciding what I didn’t want to do with my life.  

Throughout my nineteen years, I have had a wide array of passions and dreams for my future. From a young age, I have had a proclivity toward writing, journaling, and creativity. I recall thinking it would be fun to design American Girl Doll magazines, Trader Joe’s store decorations, and grocery store advertisements. I took an Apple camp in elementary school, where my love for iMovie was born. I wrote newspaper articles for my grandparents and aunts to update them on our life. I gained great satisfaction from making aesthetic photo edits for my Instagram feed. 

When it came to picking a major, I was at a loss. Was there a way I could combine all these passions that I had developed over the last few decades?  

I originally came into Cedarville as a Linguistics major with a TESOL minor, planning to apply these fields to missions, another passion of mine. 

Part-way through the fall semester of my freshman year, my RA and another girl from my Printy sister unit were hanging out in our tiny but very over decorated lounge. Smells of the fall scent dispenser, ramen noodles, and coffee from the morning’s brew filled the air. Sprawled on the couch we had barely squished into the seven by nine foot room, we sat chatting about our lives. I knew that both of them were Professional Writing and Information Design majors, but up until this point we hadn’t talked about their future dreams of being able to use their passions within a public relations, marketing, or design context. They talked about the flexible career options that Professional Writing provides. 

“I think our major is right up your alley,” my RA said. I heartily agreed. The same peace that had washed over me when I had chosen to apply to Cedarville University filled my heart again as I considered switching my major. 

I perused the major’s page in the catalogue and began to fall in love with Professional Writing and Information Design, affectionately called PWID. Two key facets of the major are writing and design, two of my greatest passions. Narrower than Communications yet broader than English or Marketing, PWID offers students a world of opportunity. Few companies can be found that do not employ writers within their corporation. PWID students can go into editing and publishing, reporting, blogging, marketing, technical writing, freelance, design, public relations, and a host of other fields. This variety and freedom is what most appealed to me as I chose the major. 

After getting the okay from my advisor, I made my decision. Beginning the following semester, spring of 2020, I switched into the major that I was convinced I was born to pursue. 

As I dove into coursework and invested myself in classes, I was met with a great sense of peace. I was astounded at how tailored this major was to my own specific passions. 

I loved that many of the classes were hands-on experience and discussion based, causing me to feel that none of the courses were redundant or a waste of time. The tangibility of the skills I learned in classes like User Experience, Corporate Culture, and Tech Tools set me on a path of discovering just how much I could do with this small, seemingly obscure major. I was met with assignments I loved completing, reading I found interesting, and peers who quickly became my friends. PWID fit my passions and dreams like a glove. 

That semester, I was able to attend some PWID events. One evening, junior and senior PWID majors shared their internship experiences. I was able to gather valuable advice from these students who were a few years ahead of me. I enjoyed hearing from a panel of professionals within the writing and design fields who came to speak to students in our major. These events helped to further solidify the assurance I felt in switching to this field. 

Do you foster a great love for writing and the power of words? Do you get excited about design? Most importantly, do you want freedom within your future career to pursue these various interests? Do you come alive when your creative juices are given room to flow? 

If you find yourself answering yes to these questions, chances are Professional Writing and Information Design is the major for you. Do not let the thought of switching majors intimidate you, because it ended up being one of the best decisions I have ever made.

About the author

Brianna Coffey

Brianna Coffey is a junior Professional Writing and Information Design major from Charlotte, North Carolina. She loves writing, creativity, worship, journalling, running, car rides, concerts, spending time with family and friends, and making aesthetic Spotify playlists. She is passionate about the bibleless, oppressed, and those who have never heard the Name of Jesus, and aspires to use the skills she is learning in PWID in a ministry context in the future.

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