February 11, 2022

I vividly remember the emotions that come with being a senior in high school. Probably because of the number of people who got nervous when I told them I was going to college undecided. Personally, I was just proud that I chose a college—making big decisions has never been my forté. I remember the dozens of times I heard the phrase “The Lord has a plan.” I believed it, but at that point, I didn’t understand just how tangibly He would provide.

Let me take you through a bit of my story.

It was my second day on Cedarville’s campus. The orientation schedule I was handed a day prior told me that it was time to meet up with my STING group—ten freshman students and a couple of upperclassman leaders that help orient you to Cedarville. I walked through the crowded field house up to my group, jittery and self-conscious. As an introvert, I was already coming up with an escape plan if they forced me to join the dance party forming in the corner. There were hundreds of students swarming around me, all trying to put their best foot forward. Of course, the first question our sting leaders asked was what our names and majors were. Great, even here I couldn’t escape the question.

“I’m undecided, but I’d love to do something with writing, art, or counseling,” I said, forcing eye contact. There were some sympathetic nods and encouraging words from the freshman around me, but all of them had a definite answer. Nursing, engineering, education… they all sounded so impressive and professional, but none of those majors were me

I’ve always been a girl of many interests and the thought of picking just one major terrified me. What if I made the “wrong” choice? What if I limited my job opportunities? What if it wasn’t God’s will? Abby, one of my sting leaders, noticed my hesitancy and pulled me aside later that night, an eager gleam in her eyes.

“Hey, you said you’re interested in writing and art, right? You should look into my major, it’s Professional Writing and Information Design!” I was instantly intrigued and began picking her brain until I found out everything I could about her program. The next two hours flew by. Sitting criss-cross applesauce next to one another on the gym floor, I began to learn about the variety of opportunities PWID provides– the projects it offers, the mix of creativity and technical aspects it combines, and the variety of jobs it prepares you for. 

But being the indecisive person that I am, I still wasn’t ready to commit. 

Throughout the following months, Abby and I got lunches every few weeks, and I continued to become more and more intrigued by this multifaceted major. I began praying, and I decided to inform my family. Instantly, they affirmed that they could see this major being a fit for my personality and giftings. I like both order and creativity. I have a deep love of cultivating beauty from the mundane. I enjoy communicating my values and using writing to move people. I get a thrill from drawing out the potential in others’ writing and design. It seemed too obvious, but sometimes, that’s how God works. I’m very thankful for that. 

Pulling out my laptop over Christmas break, I took the leap and felt a flood of emotions as I filled out the major change form and pressed submit. For the first time all year, I felt confident in my decision. I marveled at how the Lord had answered my prayer for direction and clarity. Hope brimmed inside of me, not just because I could now provide an answer when people asked about my major, but because I actually looked forward to these classes. But I also felt nervous, knowing I had much to learn and new challenges to face. No matter the fear that still lingered in my heart, I was ready to face this new season because I knew God would guide me just as much in the future as the past few months. 

And that He did, with faithfulness and patience.

Today, as a senior in her last semester at Cedarville, I can tell you with confidence that since joining the major, each of these elements has been affirmed again and again. PWID has allowed me to understand the reasoning behind successful design composition. It has challenged my writing style and has taught me how to write concisely (which is saying a lot from a girl who always had to be given page number limits in high school). It has pushed me out of my comfort zone, exploring unfamiliar skills like web design and report writing. And it has given me the opportunity to connect with like-minded people, some of whom have turned into some of my best friends. My professors have poured out tireless wisdom and have listened to me patiently, coming alongside to assist both my writing and my personal life. 

I am so thankful for how obviously the Lord answered my prayers, revealing a major that both utilizes my natural giftings and draws out potential. Professional Writing and Information Design is a major that has brought a sense of peace and belonging. It has prepared me for a variety of different career paths. And most importantly, it has been an avenue of preparation towards God’s will for my life: to glorify Him and make Him known.

About the author

Rachel Higbee
Rachel Higbee is a senior at Cedarville University, studying Professional Writing and Information Design. She loves art, people, nature, and learning new things. Rachel desires that her writing would point people to the Lord and His beauty and holiness.

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