As a proud Michigander, I often think that I am well equipped to handle odd weather. Grand Rapids, my hometown, is situated mere miles away from Lake Michigan, and with that comes round after round of heavy lake effect snow every winter. Along with that snow we also will get random weekends of 60 degree weather, often in December or January.
However, I was not entirely prepared for what Cedarville, Ohio, would throw at me. These last few weeks have been demonstrated this perfectly. We had a weekend of heavy snow, which melted slowly over the next week. This was supposed to be followed by another large snowstorm. Instead, we got rain, which froze as the next day had -20 degree wind chill. Then, a mere two days later, it was 50 degrees and raining once again.
Luckily, there are a few things you can do to prepare yourself for Ohio weather, especially an Ohio winter.
The first thing everybody should have is a warm and water-resistant coat. When the weather can quickly vary between rain and snow, it’s important to be able to stay protected from these annoying elements. Nothing will do that for you like a nice coat.
The second thing that every Cedarville student should probably have is a beanie. I know, not all of us are skaters, hipsters, or early 2000s punk rock fans, but a beanie will do you a world of good when it comes to protecting your ears from the chilly Ohio wind. I have worn my Indianapolis Colts beanie with pride almost every day (even after that 1-5 start this season) this winter and my ears have been incredibly grateful to not be stuck out in the cold.
The third thing on your Cedarville weather preparedness list should be a strong umbrella. You’ll need an umbrella because of the near-constant spring rain. You need it to be strong because of the near-constant, year-round wind! Without an umbrella, you will probably have several depressing and wet walks to class that you might not have bargained for.
Beyond these three things (and a nice pair of rainboots, maybe) all you’ll need is a good attitude! While the weather can be a bit gross here in Cedarville, Ohio, where isn’t the weather gross sometimes? All that matters is keeping your spirits high through whatever the sky throws at you.
Till next time.

Tags: #cedarville, #studentguide, #survival, #weather
Posted in: College Life, Education, Information, Student Guide, Student Life