Hey there, future Yellow Jackets!
My name is Tessa and I love to plan. I am at my happiest when things are organized and in order. Call me crazy, but my absolute favorite part of every semester is filling out my paper planner with important test dates and homework — color-coated and with stickers, I might add. Let’s just say I thrive when I feel in control!
I started my time at Cedarville as a worship and communication double major, unsure of what I was called to do vocationally, but convinced that I was on the right track. My plan was to finish both majors and go into full-time ministry. But by sophomore year, I felt totally lost. I knew I wanted to serve the church, but I didn’t want to lead worship full-time.

-Picture taken in 2019-
And that was where God changed my plans and called me to follow Him into the unknown. I dropped out of the worship program after nearly completing my degree and began to focus on building my writing skills. It was a BIG decision and not what I had planned.
Maybe you’re facing a similar situation — interested in attending Cedarville, but not sure what you want to do with your life. Or maybe you have a lot of passions and talents, but you don’t know how they can turn into a full-time job.
Here are some tips that helped me with the decision-making process. I think they might help you too!
- Seek wise counsel. Proverbs 12:15 says this about counsel: “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” There is wisdom and safety in seeking out counsel from trusted believers — parents, mentors, teachers, grandparents, and pastors. Share your thoughts with a more mature Christian and talk through your decision-making process. My mom and dad were invaluable resources to me, and we had countless conversations as I was praying about what major to keep.
- Pray, pray, and then pray some more. Speaking of prayer…do not neglect to talk to the Lord about your decision! As you bring the issue before God, He will guide and direct you. Consistency matters and 1 Thessalonians 5:17 even encourages believers to pray constantly. I cannot tell you how often I prayed about my major change! But as stressful as it all was, that was such a sweet season simply because I was forced to go to the Lord daily in prayer.
I’ll be honest with you here. As a senior, I still don’t know exactly what I want to do with my life. But I do know that I want to utilize my writing skills to make Jesus’ name known! And that’s a good place to start.
When you get to Cedarville, you may be undeclared and take a whole semester to choose a major. You may change your major five times in the first year. Or you may stick with the same program you set your sights on as a junior in high school.

-Picture taken in 2018-
Regardless of what your process looks like, know that you don’t need to have everything figured out. God already knows what lies ahead and He is preparing you to walk in the good works He has called you to do (Eph. 2:10). He will reveal His plan for your life step by step, so choose to walk in obedience during the waiting.
And remember, as Dr. White, president of Cedarville University famously says, God is faithful and you can trust Him!

Majoring in Public Communications, Class of 2021
Favorite State: Texas
Favorite Beverage: Sweet Tea
Favorite View: A Cedarville Sunset
Tags: #academics, #major, #undecided
Posted in: Education