At a university with more than 175 areas of study, choosing just one as a floundering freshman newly out of high school can feel daunting. Which one has God called me to? What will make me the most money? Am I actually good enough at anything to commit four years of my life to perfecting and pursuing it? These are all questions that swim around in our minds even as we finish out the last of those general education credits and begin entering more major-specific classes.
When I was in this position, thinking through the majors to which I felt most drawn, my eye kept landing on primary education. Junior year of high school is when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and I saw its monstrous effects spread to the world of education. Determined to change the inequalities that were magnified during the pandemic, I enrolled at Cedarville as an education major to change the future of education to look more like Christ. Learn below how Cedarville’s School of Education has supported my personal growth, a little about what it looks like to be an education major, and some guidance as you consider if studying education is for you.
What Is It Like to Be an Education Major at Cedarville?
Majoring in education is not the babysitting that many seem to think it is! Those entering this field have a choice between a variety of age groups, subjects, and developments to work with in their pursuit of education. Students who would never work with high school students may find their place in preschool, and those in preschool may shy away from others’ passion for high school calculus. Someone who doesn’t care about age may desire to pursue special education. No matter what academic talents you are gifted with, there is a place in the education program for you!
The structure of the education program is designed to maximize your time here. The flow of classes is meaningful and clear. The last three semesters are set up predictably, helping students navigate the flow into tougher course material while promising challenges that are pertinent to a teaching career. These are called methods blocks, and they are packed with courses that teach students how to relay all the information they’ve learned to the young minds sitting at small desks in front of them one day. The last semester before graduation entails student teaching, which is the time spent in a real classroom writing lesson plans and teaching a class full of students. Active engagement in these processes will ease you into your first teaching job with confidence!
The course list is packed with relevant and helpful topics and classwork. Classes like e-Learning for Educators, Teaching Diverse Learners, and The Education Profession provide a sneak peek into credits that promise excellence in the field. But I’m not good enough at history to teach it! I’ve never been a math whiz! These are some thoughts that stifle prospective education majors. But never fear! No one walks into their field already knowing everything, or you wouldn’t need to spend time at a university! You have four years of classes that, with your engagement and attention, will be more than helpful in, not only your own knowledge of the subject, but your teaching methods as well.
The education program also has advisors who are fighting in your best interests! Not only do they work behind the scenes for your success, but their office doors are always open to those who have questions or concerns. They are committed to your academic success, moral integrity, and spiritual development. Maximize your time here by connecting with these individuals and learning how they can help you be successful in your classes and connect with future employers. They show their investment in you by holding you to high standards, providing meaningful feedback on extensive lesson plans, and requiring a professional dress code (as you interact with students) that gives Cedarville students a leg up in the eyes of employers.
The School of Education requires a variety of experiences with your licensure grades to prepare you for stepping foot into a real classroom. Throughout your time here, more than 600 hours are spent engaging in a variety of classroom settings with a large demographic of students to ensure teacher candidates are more than prepared for after graduation. You are ensured experiences from virtual settings to hands-on school engagement. During any student’s time on campus, there are opportunities to study abroad. Students in education also have a unique opportunity to do their student teaching abroad, participating in unique cultural experiences while gaining invaluable experience teaching a diverse demographic.
Students in education begin to view summer employment as a unique opportunity to resume-build through summer camps, summer school, babysitting, daycare, and other opportunities. Rather than returning to that same retail job, education majors may decide to dip their toes into a summer school internship to see whether or not teaching is really for them. Many employers reach out to Cedarville students for internships because of the school’s academic and moral reputation.
The School of Education offers plenty of opportunities to connect to other education majors and to network to schools that may become future employers. There is an education career fair every spring semester that prepares and gives students the chance to interview with prospective employers and learn about some of the hiring processes. This is a great time for students to build their email list for after graduation and think about what schools they may want to be involved with. There is also the Student Education Association, a student organization dedicated to providing education majors the opportunity to connect with peers, engage in professional development, and become an active servant in the community. Other opportunities to look out for are relayed through email and show up throughout the semester in the interest of supporting students in the education program.
Things to Think About as You Consider Education
Have you been considering education as the path you want to pursue? There are a few things you may want to consider as you choose your major!
- Education ensures job security. There will always be kids to teach! You get to have a hands-on approach in directly influencing the future — and you’re guaranteed to get paid while doing so.
- We are a world severely in need of Christian educators. With all the controversies swimming in our culture, a Christian influence on the foundation of our future is as necessary as ever. We have a unique opportunity to model Jesus to students and parents, and, in doing so, introduce the love and mission of Jesus to the families in our schools. As the saying goes, “You will read the Bible, and 99 people will read you.
- Your efforts in becoming a lifelong learner are encouraged and supported. From regular professional development ventures to everyday experiences in the classroom, you will grow in communication, knowledge about the world, and even learn new things about yourself.
Cedarville’s School of Education is the perfect place for you if you’re looking for a comprehensive program that emphasizes high standards, preparation for the workforce, and godly leadership. The beauty of the campus is just secondary to the promise of success within its walls.
Name: Marcela Brower
Major and Year of Graduation: Elementary Education, class of 2025.
Favorite Study Spot: Centennial Library
Favorite Music Artist: CeJae.
Favorite Quote: “Fear is an invitation to evolve.”
What do You Like to do in Your Free Time? Read.
Favorite Bible Verse: Matthew 6:25-34
Tags: #academics, #cedarville, #college, #education, #experience, #major
Posted in: Campus Experience, College Life, Education, Experience, Lifestyle