Picture this: It was a random day in April of 2023 that had started as every other day had for the past couple of months — completely unremarkable. I had just turned 20 years old with no solid plans for my future, and I felt completely overwhelmed by the idea of life. I did not like my current university, which was my second thus far, but I had no idea where to go next. Little did I know that that same day, Jesus would save me and change everything about my life.
When I first committed my life to Christ that day in 2023, I had originally planned to wait a semester or two before enrolling in a Christian university. I had attended two other schools before Cedarville, so the college process was nothing new. However, I wanted to wait to allow my faith to grow more before living amongst other believers. I applied to Cedarville on a whim, not believing for one second that they would accept my application and that I would be moving my belongings into a dorm within the next three months. Yet, before I knew it, I had received that famous Cedarville acceptance package in the mail, which confirmed my wildest dreams and worst fears all at the same time.
Getting Started Weekend
I was a brand-new believer when I set foot on campus during Getting Started Weekend, and let me tell you, I was SCARED. I feared that Cedarville was going to be a round two of my Christian high school, where I was a complete outcast. Up until this pivotal moment, I had spent my entire life around people who called themselves Christians, but never showed it in their daily lives. Words cannot express just how wrong I was in assuming Cedarville would be the same.
The moment my family’s car pulled into the Johnson lot, we were swarmed by a group of very enthusiastic students who eagerly pulled all of my belongings out of the car and piled them into my room, which would be my new home for the next nine months. I met my roommate, whom I had randomly chosen because her name gave me a laugh, and then I spent the rest of the day chatting with my neighbors. Everything that I had seen and experienced growing up didn’t seem to apply to the students in Cedarville — strangers complimented me, smiled, and started deep conversations with me in random lines all over campus.
Everyday Life at Cedarville
I could have never expected how genuinely kind and welcoming the majority of the student body is at Cedarville. Instead of the judgment and the ostracism that I expected, I was met with brotherly love and open arms. If you have any fears whatsoever about the general vibe at Cedarville, listen to me when I tell you this: Jesus is working wonders on this campus through those students who have new faith, unique testimonies, and unusual pasts in general.
I have had the privilege of seeing my faith grow in the 14 months since I first arrived on campus. It is by no means an exaggeration to call Cedarville University a greenhouse, because I have personally seen my faith, and the faith of my friends, thrive here. This university has been able to achieve an environment of love which can only come from Jesus. The Lord has also given me such sweet, genuine, and God-honoring friendships with so many of the students around me; Cedarville feels like a second home to me now, and I would not change anything about my time here thus far.
Final Advice
The one piece of advice I have to give is stereotypical, but it is stereotypical for a reason — it is something that every new student at Cedarville should hear. Settle into a church that encourages you to read the Bible for yourself. It’s okay and expected if, as a new believer, you do not understand the minutiae of what you believe yet. Allow people who are older in their faith to disciple you and teach you how to read the Word. Read your Bible, pray, and the Lord will look after the rest.

Name: Leah Angstadt
Major and Year of Graduation: Linguistics and Spanish, class of 2026
Favorite Study Spot: The Mediaplex in the Centennial Library
Favorite Music Artists: George Strait and Tenth Avenue North
Favorite Quote: “Birds born in a cage believe that freedom is a crime.” -Alejandro Jodorowsky
What do You Like to do in Your Free Time? I like to knit, crochet, and read classic literature in my free time.
Favorite Bible Verse: Lamentations 3:25-26, “The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.“
Tags: #college, #helpful, #personal, #student, #studentlife, #testimony, #yearinreview
Posted in: College Life, Lifestyle, Student Guide, Student Life, Testimony