What Do Cedarville Students Do For Fun?

December 7, 2021 by

Cedarville is a quaint village tucked away in Ohio. Cedarville students seek to make every day, every adventure, and every moment with friends matter, especially when living in a place where the community seeks to do the same. So what kinds of adventures do students have around the village?

How Do I Take Chapel Notes?

October 7, 2021 by

Chapel truly is the heartbeat of Cedarville’s campus. It is a great opportunity to worship with other students and hear the Word of God preached daily. At Cedarville, we hear so many incredible sermons from faculty and guests. It’s an incredible blessing, but it can also feel overwhelming. Taking notes helps me to get the most out of the time the Lord has given me to hear his Word preached.

How Do I Keep In Touch With My Friends and Family Back Home?

June 17, 2021 by

Whether your family and friends are 40 or 400 miles away, it is normal to miss them while you are studying here at Cedarville. Those weeks between hugs from your mom or annoying pestering from your siblings can feel long. The time between hanging out at the mall and watching movies with friends from high school can feel like forever. Keep in touch!

I’m Struggling With a Class. What Should I Do?

April 27, 2021 by

My phone lights up and dings on the dining hall table next to me. When I am eating with friends, I try not to look at my phone at all, but this notification caught and held my attention. It was from my professor whose class I had just completed an exam for that morning.

How Do I Rest While In College?

March 29, 2021 by

My name is Hannah Salyer. I’m from Jonesborough, Tennessee, and this is my junior year here at Cedarville. I guess you could say that I’m nerdy since I love words and writing so much that I decided to major in professional writing and information design.