Do Mornings Really Matter?

October 18, 2021 by

Getting enough sleep is a struggle in and of itself for the average college student. But there’s a big difference between sleeping enough and being truly rested. I have a proposition for you: why not rest through your alarms rather than simply sleeping through them? 

How Can I Stay Active At Cedarville and Beat the ‘Freshman 15’?

June 10, 2021 by

How are you supposed to stay active in Cedarville, Ohio, in the winter, when assignments, Netflix, friends, or Chick-fil-A are calling your name? When you want to get active, whether you prefer sports, lifting, rock climbing, or dancing, Cedarville offers a broad range of activities for people of all interests!

How Do I Maintain Healthy Habits While Attending Cedarville?

May 24, 2021 by

There’s nothing we all love more than dragging ourselves out of bed at 6 in the morning to hit the gym before getting started with the day, right? No, probably not. It can be very easy to get so swept up in our studies that we forget to take good care of ourselves and be good stewards of the bodies God’s given us -- happens to me all the time, so this is something for me to continue working on also. Here are some tips and tricks for keeping that infamous, sneaky freshman fifteen from creeping up on you when you get here!

What If I Feel Alone While I’m at Cedarville?

May 13, 2021 by

It is the inevitable moment. Every college student has been there, more often than we care to admit. It’s the awkward moment of scanning into Chuck’s (the dining hall) alone and eating by yourself. It goes deeper than that: walking across campus alone, studying by yourself, not having any plans on a Friday night, or sitting by yourself for church on Sunday mornings. We don’t live in an ideal world, and even at Cedarville University, there may come a time when you feel lonely. I have certainly had times where I’ve felt lonely. However, there is good news…

How Do I Remain Consistent With My Quiet Time?

April 1, 2021 by

Hey, ya’ll, I’m Sunny, and I am a sophomore International Studies major with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies. I am also a part of the Model U.N. team on campus and the Secretary for the IJM chapter. I’m from a little town in North Carolina called Liberty.

How Do I Rest While In College?

March 29, 2021 by

My name is Hannah Salyer. I’m from Jonesborough, Tennessee, and this is my junior year here at Cedarville. I guess you could say that I’m nerdy since I love words and writing so much that I decided to major in professional writing and information design.