How Do I Rest While In College?

March 29, 2021 by

My name is Hannah Salyer. I’m from Jonesborough, Tennessee, and this is my junior year here at Cedarville. I guess you could say that I’m nerdy since I love words and writing so much that I decided to major in professional writing and information design.

5 Tips to Persevere as an Online Student

May 11, 2020 by

Like nearly all other schools, Cedarville University moved to online learning to finish our spring 2020 semester. As someone who was constantly busy and always had so many things to do, this transition was very difficult for me. 

Stayin’ Fit

March 2, 2020 by

Y’all, I will be the first to tell you that it is hard to stay active in college unless you are extremely intentional about it.

choose what you love + try something new

August 1, 2019 by

Your first year of college is a page so blank that it can be frightening. That’s what I thought my first year, anyway. In highschool, I was super involved. There wasn’t a single day of the week during any time of the year when I didn’t have a packed schedule... View Article

10 Movies for 10 Moods

March 19, 2019 by

We all have days when the only thing that will help our mood is to watch a very particular movie. And trust me, there’s a movie for every mood you could have.