Personal Testimony of Geoff Holloway

June 7, 2022 by

For Career Development for the English Major class (ENG-2020) in spring 2022, Dr. Kevin Heath asked students to form groups and choose an entrepreneurial project to aid the community, the campus, or the major. Four students collected testimonies from faculty and staff at Cedarville University to be included in a... View Article

Professor Holly Blakely’s Testimony

June 2, 2022 by

For Career Development for the English Major class (ENG-2020) in spring 2022, Dr. Kevin Heath asked students to form groups and choose an entrepreneurial project to aid the community, the campus, or the major. Four students collected testimonies from faculty and staff at Cedarville University to be included in a... View Article

What is the Bible Minor at Cedarville?

May 3, 2022 by

The knowledge I have gained about the Gospel and theology throughout my time in these five Bible minor classes has been so instrumental in my personal spiritual growth. I encourage you look forward to these classes in excitement of how the Lord will use them to grow your personal knowledge and love for God during your time at Cedarville. 

An Impactful Chapel Message

May 2, 2022 by

“Regardless of waking up in the morning, brushing your teeth, and getting dressed expecting for God to do nothing different in your life, it is time to recognize that our God can work in any situation, any person at any time and redeem and renew. It’s time to actually believe in the power that we have professed since our youth. It’s time. He is waiting.”

What is it Like to Have Off-Campus Field Experience?

April 29, 2022 by

Several majors — like education, social work, and nursing — at Cedarville require off-campus field experience.  There are several things I expected and some things that I have been surprised by as I have entered the world of internships as a Cedarville student.

Free English Classes: Spring Break NYC Trip

April 28, 2022 by

This trip was a fantastic experience. It not only grew my understanding of other people groups and religions but also gave my team and I the opportunity to live out our call as Christians to minister and love them, sharing our hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Lessons Learned as a Young Life Leader

April 7, 2022 by

Before I got to Cedarville my freshman year, I asked my youth pastor who had graduated from Cedarville just a couple of years prior, “What’s your biggest advice for my time at Cedarville?” He took a second to think and told me that his biggest encouragement to me and any other student at Cedarville would be to purpose to get off campus and share the Gospel with people in the local communities who have never heard it.