June 17, 2021
by Hannah Salyer
Whether your family and friends are 40 or 400 miles away, it is normal to miss them while you are studying here at Cedarville. Those weeks between hugs from your mom or annoying pestering from your siblings can feel long. The time between hanging out at the mall and watching movies with friends from high school can feel like forever. Keep in touch!
June 14, 2021
by Paul Miller
Before you even step foot on campus, you are likely to hear that chapel is the “heartbeat of campus.” And as a junior at Cedarville University, can I just say, this statement is 100% accurate. Chapel is the unifying bow on top that ties Cedarville closer to Christ. As you prepare to move on campus in August, you should know what to expect from chapel.
June 10, 2021
by Malena Jackson
How are you supposed to stay active in Cedarville, Ohio, in the winter, when assignments, Netflix, friends, or Chick-fil-A are calling your name? When you want to get active, whether you prefer sports, lifting, rock climbing, or dancing, Cedarville offers a broad range of activities for people of all interests!
June 9, 2021
by Global Outreach
This is an excerpt from a 2021 Global Outreach trip to Zambia. Here, the students are learning much more than just hospital knowledge. The members of the team are learning the importance of thinking in heavenly ways versus concentrating on earthly comforts. We started rotations last week at the teaching... View Article
June 7, 2021
by Hannah Deane
As an incoming student to Cedarville University, there is so much to think about and get in order before that first day on campus. You have to think about what residence hall you are going to live in, what clothes and other items you are going to pack, who your roommate is going to be, and so much more. Another important item on that college checklist is classes. What will you need for classes and how will you prepare for that first day of class?
June 3, 2021
by Sophia Ballard
So you’re ready for college. Now you just have to wait for the first day of classes. Here are some tips to consider when you’re thinking about beginning classes, so you aren’t surprised when the workload is a little heavier or the schedule a bit more hectic than you had anticipated.
May 27, 2021
by Malena Jackson
So. Many. Emails. At Cedarville, be prepared for many, many emails a day. Several come in the mornings before I even wake up. While this can be overwhelming, these emails are FULL of useful, important information about academics, updates, job openings, intramurals, organization meetings, and so many more things that you do not want to miss out on!
May 24, 2021
by Chloe Metaxotos
There’s nothing we all love more than dragging ourselves out of bed at 6 in the morning to hit the gym before getting started with the day, right? No, probably not. It can be very easy to get so swept up in our studies that we forget to take good care of ourselves and be good stewards of the bodies God’s given us -- happens to me all the time, so this is something for me to continue working on also. Here are some tips and tricks for keeping that infamous, sneaky freshman fifteen from creeping up on you when you get here!
May 20, 2021
by Hannah Salyer
I grew up going to school in my pajamas every day. Why? I was homeschooled! When I began looking for colleges, I was afraid that maybe I was not prepared for college life. It was on Cedarville’s website that I found some encouragement; an entire webpage dedicated to us homeschool students.
May 17, 2021
by Madysen "Sunny" Bailey
Cedarville is chock full of helpful resources for students. Here are just a few resources, some of which I have found particularly helpful in my college life. I hope that you find them useful.