Chapel at Home
April 17, 2020Did you know that Cedarville University is still having chapel every day?
Did you know that Cedarville University is still having chapel every day?
My Aunt Andrea graduated Cedarville University in 1998 with a communications degree. She is among many of my family members, including my dad and grandpa, who are alumni of Cedarville University.
Because Cedarville gets students from nearly every state, many people are not used to the weather, so we get a lot of questions about the weather!
Ah, fall break. The glorious extended weekend that always comes at the perfect time in the semester and is always gone too soon.
Growth can happen anywhere, but there is something so unique about learning to live with other people in a dorm.
“Leading with courage is hard. But I’m going to do it with the Lord beside me, behind me, and in front of me.”
I’m not gonna lie, going into this Missions Conference, I was a bit skeptical. Actually a lot more than a bit: I was very skeptical. After all, right now I’m pretty sure I’m not called to full-time missions, so what would be the point of all of it? I probably... View Article
As a child, I was enchanted by the wonderful world contained within the Chronicles of Narnia.
The chapel was an encouraging time, featuring interviews with a few students who went on short- and long-term trips through Cedarville’s Global Outreach.
I’m a pastor’s kid, something that is surprisingly common on Cedarville’s campus.