August 25, 2022
by Rachel Rathbun
If you’re reading this article, good on you. It really pays to be intentional about your academic work, especially early in your college career when you’re still working on setting new habits. There are as many ways to study as there are people, and what works for one person might... View Article
June 16, 2022
by Riley Anspach
Are there items that you should NOT be packing for college?
July 5, 2021
by Sophia Ballard
Life is full of uncertainties, but one certainty is that you’ll be overwhelmed at some point in your college experience.
July 30, 2020
by Angela Farlow
You are at the beginning of the journey so you have a fresh start to plan and prepare well! You are going to do great!
July 27, 2020
by Cameron Sardano
God has a plan for your life, don’t try to know it; just seek to know the One who does!
March 9, 2020
by Angela Farlow
I know I could do a blog post on the best places to study on campus, but I thought I would take a unique approach and share about the best places at Cedarville to have your personal quiet time studying God’s Word!