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October 5, 2021

Cyber Security Event: The True Cost of Ransomware


Companies are getting hit with ransomware and paying large ransoms to regain access to their information. Learn about the true cost of ransomware on Thursday, Oct. 7 at 5:00 PM in ENS 245. Refreshments will be provided!

The Center for the Advancement of Cybersecurity is hosting Dan Rathbun, an expert in ransomware to discuss this serious threat to information security. Mr Rathbun has spent the past 14 years serving as CISO for several different manufacturing and Fortune 500 companies.  He specializes in building security programs from the ground up and establishing highly effective SecOps programs to prevent and detect sophisticated attacks.  He will talk about the history and progression of ransomware, share some details of real-world attacks, and look at ways that organizations can prevent ransomware and defend against this serious threat.

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