May 13, 2021
by Paul Miller
It is the inevitable moment. Every college student has been there, more often than we care to admit. It’s the awkward moment of scanning into Chuck’s (the dining hall) alone and eating by yourself. It goes deeper than that: walking across campus alone, studying by yourself, not having any plans on a Friday night, or sitting by yourself for church on Sunday mornings. We don’t live in an ideal world, and even at Cedarville University, there may come a time when you feel lonely. I have certainly had times where I’ve felt lonely. However, there is good news…
May 3, 2021
by Malena Jackson
Ever wonder how Cedarville students juggle work, classes, assignments, friends, intramurals, organizations, and discipleship groups?
April 30, 2021
by Abigail Baker
What apps do you have on your phone? Which do you use the most? I have to admit, Instagram, according to the apps’ insights, is probably the most used app on my phone. But do you know what’s next? No, it’s not TikTok; it’s actually a three-way tie between Google... View Article
April 27, 2021
by Hannah Salyer
My phone lights up and dings on the dining hall table next to me. When I am eating with friends, I try not to look at my phone at all, but this notification caught and held my attention. It was from my professor whose class I had just completed an exam for that morning.
April 22, 2021
by Hannah Deane
As an incoming student who lives close to Cedarville University’s campus, you may be wondering if you are going to miss out on part of the college experience. After all, how are you possibly going to gain that independence when your parents live only an hour or two away?
April 19, 2021
by Madysen "Sunny" Bailey
As you consider coming to Cedarville, you may be wondering what there is to do during your free time.
April 15, 2021
by Paul Miller
I sat at my desk back home during the great quarantine exodus trying to finish up my homework in the last two weeks of school. Amid balancing 18.5 credit hours of online lectures, homework, exams, and editing audio and video for my major, life was spinning out of control.
April 12, 2021
by Chloe Metaxotos
It’s day one of your 1,000 days at Cedarville University. Hyped-up students wearing matching yellow or blue T-shirts and waving pool noodles line the sidewalks cheering for you as you and your parents drive down University Boulevard and pull up to your residence hall. You couldn’t be more pumped.
April 8, 2021
by Abigail Baker
Everyone has been there: hitting ‘send’ only to realize moments later that there was an error in your email or instant message. Sometimes that ‘undo’ prompt is just seconds too late, sending any self-respecting college student to a state of ‘shame-shock’ (that “I can’t believe I just sent that to... View Article
April 5, 2021
by Sophia Ballard
Most freshmen don’t come to college with a clear picture of life after college. Adjusting to college life has enough challenges without worrying about the distant future. If you’re anything like me, then you might be considering several career paths.