August 19, 2021
by Anna Hurt
Cedarville seems to be the PERFECT place to grow in your spiritual walk. But why is it that some people walk away from the faith after their time at Christian schools? College is a stage in everyone’s life where their faith is put to the test, even at Cedarville.
July 29, 2021
by Sarah Schweppe
When I was a freshman coming into Cedarville, I remember being overwhelmed not only by the adjustment to college life, but also by the number of opportunities presented to me.
July 8, 2021
by Hannah Deane
As you are preparing to come to Cedarville University, you may be wondering if you have to bring a car. The answer to that question is a simple no.
June 24, 2021
by Chloe Metaxotos
I came into college thinking it was going to be no sweat. I mean high school definitely had its difficulties—math tests were often a struggle and some projects were more involved than others—but there were definitely times where I could briefly skim material for a test and do just fine. So that being said, I knew college would be tougher, but I wasn’t prepared for just how much tougher or how big of an adjustment it would be. Here are some heads ups that will hopefully help you mentally prepare and kick into gear for college!
April 22, 2021
by Hannah Deane
As an incoming student who lives close to Cedarville University’s campus, you may be wondering if you are going to miss out on part of the college experience. After all, how are you possibly going to gain that independence when your parents live only an hour or two away?
October 21, 2020
by Justin Schlabach
College was always something I was anticipating, so pulling in to visit Cedarville for the first time was something I was looking greatly forward to. When I visited Cedarville in the spring of 2018, I was blown away.
September 21, 2020
by Madison Greathouse
A timid freshman girl slowly made her way over to a door tucked into the wall of the lower Stevens Student Center. Her hand nervously grasped the door knob. Should she turn back? It wasn’t too late.
September 18, 2020
by Amy Wikrent
Calling all introverts! But wait, this one’s for you too, our beloved bubbly extroverts. Are you nervous about getting involved in college? Getting involved as a freshman in college can be a little difficult as you navigate so many new opportunities, and it can be hard to know which ones to take, especially if you are an introvert.
September 16, 2020
by Nathan Mumme
Do you constantly hear how incredible Cedarville University is because you are a part of a family full of alumni? Have you watched Cedarville transform your siblings' lives and impact their future? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I am thrilled to know that you and I have something in common.
June 12, 2020
by Katrina Tucker
My name is Katrina Tucker, and I am going into my senior year at Cedarville University!