Packing 101: Male Student Edition

August 2, 2024 by

Are you an incoming freshman guy worried about over or under packing? Junior student Landon shares his list of supplies you'll need for freshman year in this helpful guide!

Female students unpack a new student's car. They are carrying totes and boxes in their yellow Getting Started t-shirts.

Packing 101: Female Student Edition

August 8, 2023 by

Ladies, do you know what you're bringing with you to campus? Lia's blog can either serve as your whole packing list, or help add to the list you already have started. Read now for some ideas on what to pack!

choose what you love + try something new

August 1, 2019 by

Your first year of college is a page so blank that it can be frightening. That’s what I thought my first year, anyway. In highschool, I was super involved. There wasn’t a single day of the week during any time of the year when I didn’t have a packed schedule... View Article