June 17, 2021
by Hannah Salyer
Whether your family and friends are 40 or 400 miles away, it is normal to miss them while you are studying here at Cedarville. Those weeks between hugs from your mom or annoying pestering from your siblings can feel long. The time between hanging out at the mall and watching movies with friends from high school can feel like forever. Keep in touch!
April 19, 2021
by Madysen "Sunny" Bailey
As you consider coming to Cedarville, you may be wondering what there is to do during your free time.
March 25, 2021
by Chloe Metaxotos
Ah March, the month of the mid-semester motivation slump. It’s a real thing, and it hits hard.
November 23, 2020
by Abigail Baker
FOMO is real. It seems like every weekend a group of my campus friends are driving to Cincinnati or Columbus, going on Target or Walmart runs, or having Cheesecake Factory dates at the Greene.
October 28, 2020
by Madison Greathouse
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well” (Virginia Woolf).
September 18, 2020
by Amy Wikrent
Calling all introverts! But wait, this one’s for you too, our beloved bubbly extroverts. Are you nervous about getting involved in college? Getting involved as a freshman in college can be a little difficult as you navigate so many new opportunities, and it can be hard to know which ones to take, especially if you are an introvert.
August 3, 2020
by Abigail Burr
I know that you will seek to do this well, and I can’t wait to grow alongside you when you become a Yellow Jacket this fall!
July 21, 2020
by Jake Johnson
Your journey as a student will be different than mine because we’re different people, but opportunities for growth and community are everywhere -- you just have to have your eyes open to them.
July 2, 2020
by Sarah Igleheart
Here are a few tips for getting your room set up!
June 30, 2020
by Mitchell Carr
I am excited for you to get to experience the fun events and all that Cedarville University has to offer.