Best Places to Have Quiet Time on Campus

March 9, 2020 by

I know I could do a blog post on the best places to study on campus, but I thought I would take a unique approach and share about the best places at Cedarville to have your personal quiet time studying God’s Word!

Stayin’ Fit

March 2, 2020 by

Y’all, I will be the first to tell you that it is hard to stay active in college unless you are extremely intentional about it.

choose what you love + try something new

August 1, 2019 by

Your first year of college is a page so blank that it can be frightening. That’s what I thought my first year, anyway. In highschool, I was super involved. There wasn’t a single day of the week during any time of the year when I didn’t have a packed schedule... View Article