January 22, 2019
by Valerie Link
I’m not gonna lie, going into this Missions Conference, I was a bit skeptical. Actually a lot more than a bit: I was very skeptical. After all, right now I’m pretty sure I’m not called to full-time missions, so what would be the point of all of it? I probably... View Article
December 11, 2018
by Callahan Jones
As a child, I was enchanted by the wonderful world contained within the Chronicles of Narnia.
November 20, 2018
by Callahan Jones
Hey everybody!
I'm doing something a bit different today, a vlog!
November 6, 2018
by Callahan Jones
Like many college seniors, I have regrets. Some are because of mistakes, some are because of accidents, and some are because of missed opportunities.
October 23, 2018
by Callahan Jones
Hey, Cedarville! I’ve decided that I want to spend one post a week talking about a chapel that I enjoyed recently, because chapel is such an important part of my life and such an important part of campus life.
October 18, 2018
by Callahan Jones
Like many other students, I’ll be staying on campus during the upcoming fall break.
October 17, 2018
by Callahan Jones
Monday, a dreaded day for many. Personally, I don’t mind it too much. What’s a Monday look like for me?
October 15, 2018
by Callahan Jones
Every year since I’ve been at Cedarville, I’ve gone to the annual cardboard canoe races during homecoming weekend, and this year was no exception.