Missions Conference 2019

January 22, 2019 by

I’m not gonna lie, going into this Missions Conference, I was a bit skeptical. Actually a lot more than a bit: I was very skeptical. After all, right now I’m pretty sure I’m not called to full-time missions, so what would be the point of all of it? I probably... View Article


November 6, 2018 by

Like many college seniors, I have regrets. Some are because of mistakes, some are because of accidents, and some are because of missed opportunities.

Chapel: State of the University

October 23, 2018 by

Hey, Cedarville! I’ve decided that I want to spend one post a week talking about a chapel that I enjoyed recently, because chapel is such an important part of my life and such an important part of campus life.

Day in the Life

October 17, 2018 by

Monday, a dreaded day for many. Personally, I don’t mind it too much. What’s a Monday look like for me?