Biblical Friendship

April 17, 2019 by

Wow. Here I was thinking about what everyone was doing for me, but had I stopped to consider what kind of friend I had been to them?

10 Movies for 10 Moods

March 19, 2019 by

We all have days when the only thing that will help our mood is to watch a very particular movie. And trust me, there’s a movie for every mood you could have.

When Your Parents Come to Visit

March 13, 2019 by

This past week I had the privilege of having both my parents join me on campus for a fun-filled day of watching Cedarville’s winter play, hanging out, and eating pizza (and yes, I ate an entire pizza by myself).

Senior Wisdom

January 29, 2019 by

When I was but a wee freshman in the fall of 2015, I was starting to get overwhelmed by my 14 credit hours. I was getting stressed and depressed, which poured right into the anxiety I had already been feeling about my choice of major. I wasn’t very mentally equipped... View Article