A Night in Narnia
December 11, 2018As a child, I was enchanted by the wonderful world contained within the Chronicles of Narnia.
As a child, I was enchanted by the wonderful world contained within the Chronicles of Narnia.
“Darkest Hour” is a movie that came out last year and was produced in the United Kingdom, the land of the royal family and of incredibly odd politics.
The chapel was an encouraging time, featuring interviews with a few students who went on short- and long-term trips through Cedarville’s Global Outreach.
I’m a pastor’s kid, something that is surprisingly common on Cedarville’s campus.
Here’s the post you’ve all been waiting for: the one where I tell you all about my Thanksgiving break. Full disclosure, I’m listening to Christmas music while I write this. It’s officially allowed now.
Hey everybody! I'm doing something a bit different today, a vlog!
Like many college seniors, I have regrets. Some are because of mistakes, some are because of accidents, and some are because of missed opportunities.
Getting together with other students every day to worship, both through music and by learning from the Word, is a special experience.
A few weeks ago, I got the pleasure of attending the Cedarville University theatre department’s fall production, Fools by Neil Simon.
Hey, Cedarville! I’ve decided that I want to spend one post a week talking about a chapel that I enjoyed recently, because chapel is such an important part of my life and such an important part of campus life.