Important Computer Update and Off-Campus Access to CedarPrint

December 4, 2013

Information Technology TechNews is a weekly update focusing on campus technology upgrades, changes, hints and other technology news. You will also receive occasional TechAlerts, which will address issues that require your immediate attention. Announcing WebPrint (Off-Campus access to CedarPrint) CedarPrint has become a popular printing option for on-campus students with... View Article

UPDATE – Google sync with iOS devices

November 8, 2013

Stephen Gaines (Director of Technical Services) reports that most iOS devices have recovered and are syncing smoothly with Google now. If your device is still unable to sync with your University mail and/or calendar, or you have experienced any residual issues, the SPC technicans are able to help. For express... View Article

Google Sync Problems with iOS Devices

November 6, 2013

A recent change by Google is causing problems with synchronizing email on Apple (iOS) mobile devices. What Should I Do? If you are prompted for a password on an Apple iOS device (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch) please select Cancel. After Google resolves the issue, your email should start downloading normally.... View Article

Google Inbox and Toolbar Changes

November 1, 2013

Google just pushed out a navigation change to Google Apps. Here is a quick look and explanation: What Happened to My Google Toolbar? The upper toolbar –which used to contain tabs for your University email, calendar, contacts, etc.– has been replaced. So… How Do I Get to My Calendar, Contacts... View Article